My decision to be smoke free was the best decision I’ve made in my life.
Everyone Has a Quit Story.
Let’s begin yours. In these quit stories, you will find successes and struggles, ups and downs, starts and restarts. You will also find what works for some, might not work for you. Read a few to get a feel for what will work best for you and read these stories to give you strength when you need it.
Learn from Other Quitters
How I Quit
Dennis B.
I was in the Marine Corps for 12 years. That’s where I started smoking. After I got out, my health started to fail and I had high blood pressure. I was smoking NEWPORTS—highly addictive. When I went to the V.A Hospital and got a physical I was told I was at high risk for heart attack, diabetes, kidney failure—I was in shock!!!!
I was smoking three packs a day. I have never been a failure. I prayed because I wanted to QUIT SMOKING.
I was sitting in my living room watching TV when the quit now commercial came on. MY first step and the most important one of my life was to call the 1-800-QUIT-NOW number. I only used my first series of patches and my counselors were wonderful—they really cared and my mind was made up that I wanted to LIVE.
It’s been 6 mouths and I feel wonderful. My blood pressure is normal, cholesterol is normal, and life feels good again and I look younger. Thank you for my life back!
How I Quit
Glenda C.
I had been smoking since I was 14 years old (now 65). I have 4 grandchildren ages 9, 8, 7 and 16 months. The older ones kept bugging me that smoking was not good for me. I didn’t smoke in the house — always on the back porch. I had health issues but that didn’t stop me.
Then one day I received a post card from the LA Smoking Cessation Trust. It sounded good and I thought I might be ready because I wanted to be around to see my newest baby grow up.
I gave them a call, figuring they would tell me to stop that day. To my surprise, they told me to set a quit date and gave me tips to get ready to quit. Set the date for June 19th (my 3rd’s birthday) and followed all their tips. When the date arrived my husband threw out all my cigarettes and I threw away all lighters and ashtrays. I did use an inhaler but not as much as prescribed and stopped after 3 weeks.
How I Quit
Billy M.
I want to thank my coach with Quit With Us, Louisiana. She really helped me tremendously when I called to get help to quit smoking. I knew all along that smoking wasn’t good for me, but you have to WANT to quit.
When I made the decision to quit, for my own health and to protect my wife and family, I turned to Quit With Us, Louisiana for help. This is a service that is extremely needed. You have to have a support system. The help I got from my quit coach, along with my church, my family and my doctor, is exactly what I need.
I AM going to succeed in this, and I thank you for helping me.
How I Quit
Brittany R.
After years of smoking, I can finally say that I can live without a cigarette. I’m not saying it’s easy because I would be lying.
My son was 3 (he is 4 now) when they diagnosed him with asthma. I knew it was bad for his health to be around cigarette smoke, so I quit. After a few weeks of me not smoking I found myself taking a few puffs of a cigarette a day, then it became a full cigarette a day, then 2 and so on.
About 5 months later my husband, who is 35, was diagnosed with Leukoplakia, which is a precancerous condition, which can form into cancer. It’s caused by a chronic irritation, which in my husband’s case is from smoking and dipping. I was completely heartbroken. I decided then at that moment that I was done with smoking.
I’m not going to lie I have wanted one from time to time and have even tried to smoke ONE since then (I’m not perfect), but being that I have been quit for awhile, I couldn’t stand the smell or the taste. I’m sure your wondering if my husband has quit smoking and dipping, and the answer is NO! But I do strongly believe in the power of prayers, so I’m pretty confident that one day my husband will be able to say “I’M TOBACCO-FREE!!”
If someone asked me what was my motivation to not smoke, I would simply say my family. Thanks for letting me share my story!
How I Quit
Sandi P.
I used the website,, to assist me with quitting smoking last March. One thing that seems small that really helped were posters that I put up all around my house to remind me I was smoke-free, and it helped me feel proud.
I will be smoke-free for one-year next month after 18 years of smoking. Thanks so much for all of the information that started my new and improved life!

How I Quit: Share Your Story
When you are ready to share your quit story, we’d love to hear about your journey.